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Wir haben unser Projekt ins Leben gerufen, um das uralte Klischee zu durchbrechen, dass Ghillie-Anzüge zu 100 % selbst gemacht werden müssen! Um Ihren Ghillie-Anzug herzustellen, benötigen Sie zunächst das entsprechende Wissen, eine Werkstatt und die richtigen Materialien. Es gibt nur sehr wenige Veröffentlichungen, die den Prozess der Ghillie-Entwicklung zuverlässig beschreiben können, und die auf dem öffentlichen Markt erhältlichen Materialien sind keine Quelle kompetenter Informationen zu diesem Thema.

Die Herstellung eines eigenen Tarnanzugs kostet viel Zeit und Geld und garantiert nicht den gewünschten Effekt. Mit handelsüblichen Farben und Lacken, die sich zum Erstellen von Tarnmustern eignen, lassen sich nicht unbedingt die perfekten Farbtöne der gefärbten Stoffe und Materialien erzielen. Die Modifizierung von Uniformen und Jagdanzügen garantiert nie eine so bequeme Handhabung wie Tarnsysteme, die von Grund auf für bestimmte taktische Anwendungen entworfen und genäht werden.

Deshalb besteht unsere Mission darin, professionelle Tarnsysteme für Menschen bereitzustellen, die 3D-Tarnung benötigen, um unter verschiedenen taktischen Bedingungen zu operieren. Wir sind in der Lage, für jeden ein Produkt bereitzustellen, unabhängig von den an uns gestellten Anforderungen. Trotz des breiten Angebots, das den Erwartungen der überwiegenden Mehrheit der Kunden entspricht, führen wir auch kundenspezifische Projekte durch.

Unsere Tarnungen werden in Absprache mit aktiven Mitarbeitern uniformierter Dienste erstellt. Alle Tarnsysteme wurden von Profis unter Kampfbedingungen getestet.

Sie glauben uns nicht? Überzeugen Sie sich selbst!

SCG Bast - Farbmix
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Bast - Farbmix
Bast - Farbmix
SCG Jute - Farbmix
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Jute - Farbmix
Jute - Farbmix
SCG NEXTGEN Rifle Camo System Finpat M/05 Multi-Season
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NEXTGEN Rifle Camo System Finpat M/05 Multi-Season
What is NextGen?

Ghillie from the NextGen line is a completely new direction in the world of masking systems. We based our new products on HALO SCREEN technology. HALO SCREEN is a revolutionary technology of personal masking.
SCG NEXTGEN Viper Hood Long Sleeve Pencott Greenzone Spring-Summer
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NEXTGEN Viper Hood Long Sleeve Pencott Greenzone Spring-Summer
Viper Hood Long Sleeve from the NextGen line is a ghillie outfit which we have developed based on the HALO SCREEN technology. It is an ideal solution for those seeking maximum effective personal masking.
SCG Cobra Suit Pro Olive + All Extras (Ready To Use Version)
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Cobra Suit Pro Olive + All Extras (Ready To Use Version)
Cobra Suit Pro - the highest quality modular concealment system. The unique cut and the best materials available on the market place it on the top shelf of tactical equipment.
SCG NEXTGEN Viper Hood Long Sleeve Finpat M/05 Multi-Season
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NEXTGEN Viper Hood Long Sleeve Finpat M/05 Multi-Season
Viper Hood Long Sleeve from the NextGen line is a ghillie outfit which we have developed based on the HALO SCREEN technology. It is an ideal solution for those seeking maximum effective personal masking.
SCG NEXTGEN Cobra Suit (Long Sleeve) Finpat M/05 Spring-Summer
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NEXTGEN Cobra Suit (Long Sleeve) Finpat M/05 Spring-Summer
Cobra Suit Long Sleeve from the NextGen line is a masking outfit which we have developed based on the HALO SCREEN technology. It is an ideal solution for those seeking maximum effective personal masking.
SCG Viper Hood Pro Finpat + All Extras (Ready To Use Version)
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Viper Hood Pro Finpat + All Extras (Ready To Use Version)
Viper Hood Long Sleeve from the NextGen line is a ghillie outfit which we have developed based on the HALO SCREEN technology. It is an ideal solution for those seeking maximum effective personal masking.
SCG NEXTGEN Rifle Camo System Finpat M/05 Spring-Summer
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NEXTGEN Rifle Camo System Finpat M/05 Spring-Summer
What is NextGen?

Ghillie from the NextGen line is a completely new direction in the world of masking systems. We based our new products on HALO SCREEN technology. HALO SCREEN is a revolutionary technology of personal masking.
SCG NEXTGEN Cobra Suit (Long Sleeve) Finpat M/05 Multi-Season
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NEXTGEN Cobra Suit (Long Sleeve) Finpat M/05 Multi-Season
Cobra Suit Long Sleeve from the NextGen line is a masking outfit which we have developed based on the HALO SCREEN technology. It is an ideal solution for those seeking maximum effective personal masking.
SCG Cobra Suit Pro Finpat + All Extras (Ready To Use Version)
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Cobra Suit Pro Finpat + All Extras (Ready To Use Version)
Cobra Suit Pro - the highest quality modular concealment system. The unique cut and the best materials available on the market place it on the top shelf of tactical equipment.
SCG NEXTGEN Viper Hood Long Sleeve Pencott Greenzone Multi-Season
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NEXTGEN Viper Hood Long Sleeve Pencott Greenzone Multi-Season
Viper Hood Long Sleeve from the NextGen line is a ghillie outfit which we have developed based on the HALO SCREEN technology. It is an ideal solution for those seeking maximum effective personal masking.
SCG Viper Hood Pro Olive + All Extras (Ready To Use Version)
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Viper Hood Pro Olive + All Extras (Ready To Use Version)
Viper Hood Long Sleeve from the NextGen line is a ghillie outfit which we have developed based on the HALO SCREEN technology. It is an ideal solution for those seeking maximum effective personal masking.
SCG NEXTGEN Viper Hood Long Sleeve Finpat M/05 Spring-Summer
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NEXTGEN Viper Hood Long Sleeve Finpat M/05 Spring-Summer
Viper Hood Long Sleeve from the NextGen line is a ghillie outfit which we have developed based on the HALO SCREEN technology. It is an ideal solution for those seeking maximum effective personal masking.
SCG NEXTGEN Concealment Mask Finpat M/05 Multi-Season
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NEXTGEN Concealment Mask Finpat M/05 Multi-Season
Balaclava made in NextGen technology. It allows you to effectively conceal your face and head without the use of camouflage paints. The product can be used alone or as a great addition to a concealment suit
SCG NEXTGEN Viper Cape V2 Finpat M/05 Spring-Summer
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NEXTGEN Viper Cape V2 Finpat M/05 Spring-Summer
Viper Cape V2 from the NextGen line is a back extenstion to Viper Hood Long Sleeve which we have developed based on the HALO SCREEN technology. Viper Cape V2 isn't a independent camouflage system. You must have a Viper Hood to use Viper Cape V2.
SCG NEXTGEN Viper Cape V2 (Long Sleeve) Finpat M/05 Multi-Season
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NEXTGEN Viper Cape V2 (Long Sleeve) Finpat M/05 Multi-Season
Viper Hood Long Sleeve from the NextGen line is a ghillie outfit which we have developed based on the HALO SCREEN technology. It is an ideal solution for those seeking maximum effective personal masking.
SCG NEXTGEN Concealment Mask Finpat M/05 Spring Summer
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NEXTGEN Concealment Mask Finpat M/05 Spring Summer
Balaclava made in NextGen technology. It allows you to effectively conceal your face and head without the use of camouflage paints. The product can be used alone or as a great addition to a concealment suit
SCG Viper Cape V2 Pro Olive + All Extras (Ready To Use Version)
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Viper Cape V2 Pro Olive + All Extras (Ready To Use Version)
Viper Cape V2 –camouflage back extensison dedicated to the Viper Hood Pro product. The back extensison is fastened with webbings made of a strong carrying tape to the back of the Viper Hood.
SCG Viper Cape V2 Pro Finpat + All Extras (Ready To Use Version)
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Viper Cape V2 Pro Finpat + All Extras (Ready To Use Version)
Viper Cape V2 –camouflage back extensison dedicated to the Viper Hood Pro product. The back extensison is fastened with webbings made of a strong carrying tape to the back of the Viper Hood.